The Constant Battle

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Pure and Genuine

Do you know what the Bible describes as pure and genuine religion? Until recently I would have said confidently that the Bible says pure and genuine religion is taking care of widows and orphans…and I would have come up short with that answer. This is a topic I hear discussed often, that when we serve those widows in the church and when we volunteer with orphanages and take care of those kids who have no parents, that we are practicing pure and genuine religion. But there are three points described as pure and genuine religion in the sight of God, and taking care of widows and orphans are only two of the three points. If you don’t know the other part of the equation, you are only practicing 66% of pure and genuine religion.

“Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.” (James 1:27)

For whatever reason, we leave off this third element that James describes as pure and genuine religion in God’s sight. It’s not just taking care of orphans and widows, but it is also not allowing the world to corrupt us. The word used here in the Greek for corrupt was “ἄσπιλον” or aspilon, which means “unstained.” Chips and salsa is a go-to snack for me, but more times than I would like to admit, I drip salsa somewhere—either on the table or myself. When I do, then I’ve got a salsa stain on my shirt or pants, and I know that’s all anyone is going to see now. Stains have a way of attracting our attention. We must remain unstained by this world if we are to have pure and genuine religion. Does that describe you? Are you unstained by this world?

“You adulterers! Don’t you realize that friendship with the world makes you an enemy of God? I say it again: If you want to be a friend of the world, you make yourself an enemy of God.” (James 4:4)

James goes on to say that we are adulterers if we choose friendship with the world. That makes us enemies with God. We know if we love the world and the things it offers us then we don’t have the love of God in us. We can’t love the world and God. We cannot be a slave to two masters. When we pursue the fame and attention and possessions and wealth this world offers, then we are showing we love the world and that makes us enemies with God. James also wrote a great deal about faith and works. Work hard to remain unstained by this world. Make sure that when people look at you, they see Jesus, rather than a big stain that points to love for this world.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.