The Constant Battle

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Another Q and A

Occasionally, we will post a response to a question we receive here at The Constant Battle. Below is a question we received regarding the time that Jesus rose Lazarus from the dead. “(Redacted) said that when Jesus brought Lazarus back from the tomb, he also brought him back from Paradise (Heaven). We are unsure if the dead went to heaven at that time because Jesus hadn’t died and resurrected yet. And even if he did go to heaven, would that be a good thing to bring someone back from paradise, or a bad thing? What do you think?


We can go all the way back to Enoch, Noah’s great-grandfather, who did not die but disappeared with God one day (Genesis 5:23-24). I assume it was heaven where he disappeared to with God. In the same way, we know that Elijah was taken up to heaven in a chariot/whirlwind (2 Kings 2:11). I think there’s evidence that people in the Old Testament, especially those who “walked in close fellowship with God” and were His chosen prophets/instruments went to Heaven.

Jesus said He and the Father are one (“if you have seen me, you’ve seen the Father”), so I don’t think there’s an issue with negating the fact that Jesus is the only way to Heaven. In fact, if you want to really go out there, Jesus/God/Holy Spirit are all beings that exist outside of time and space, and the act of Jesus taking on the sins of the world, paying the debt we all owe to God—such an act has to transcend time itself. He paid for the sins of us here in 2021; why could He not pay for the sins of those who lived before Him as well? So even though Jesus physically did the act on the cross in A.D. 33, one could argue the spiritual act of paying for all sins for all time is not bound by time. But I’m not going to push that any further; my three pound brain can’t handle it and I am not qualified to do so.

There is the great danger of adding to the Scriptures (Deut. 4:2, Revelation 22:18-19) or speculating about things that ultimately don’t matter. Paul even warns about getting involved in arguments and debates over things that don’t matter. (This speaker’s) commentary is completely missing the point of the miracle and to speculate on it in that way is distracting from the miracle.

In John 11:41-42, Jesus prays aloud to God and He declares that He is doing this “so that they (the people) will believe you (God) sent me.” The timing of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead was so crucial. The raising of Lazarus was the straw that broke the camel’s back for the religious leaders and especially Caiaphas. John 11:53-54: “So from that time on, the Jewish leaders began to plot Jesus’ death. As a result, Jesus stopped his public ministry among the people…” The raising of Lazarus was quite possibly the last miracle Jesus performed publicly. It’s possible the raising of Lazarus took place around 6 days before Jesus’ crucifixion, so this miracle would have been fresh in everyone’s mind and it should not have come as a huge surprise that if He could do it for Lazarus, He could do it for His own life.

Again, to expound on whether or not Jesus pulled Lazarus from Heaven or not is pointless and detracts from the miracle itself. The argument (redacted) seems to be making is not only pointless but very weak for two reasons: #1. If Jesus does it, it’s good. It’s that simple for me and no argument will sway me on that one. So on the question of would it be a good or bad thing to do: Jesus did it, so it’s good. The Scriptures also tell us that many believed because of this miracle, so it’s good. #2. To be with Jesus is to be in paradise. Jesus called Lazarus into His presence, so how could the presence of Jesus be worse than Heaven?

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
