The Constant Battle

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Pay Careful Attention

We’ve all heard this at some point in our lives. Perhaps it was in school during an important instruction or from the driving instructor or a flight attendant or maybe from your boss during a meeting. We know that when we hear these words, “pay careful attention,” what follows is very important and we would be wise to listen.

“‘So watch yourselves!’” (Luke 17:3a)

The original Greek used in our translation of “watch yourselves” was Προσέχετε ἑαυτοῖς, which meant to “take heed lest you be an offense or stumbling-block to yourself.” This phrase, “take heed,” means to pay careful attention to something. So here we have Jesus telling us to pay careful attention, so we can assume what follows is very important. 

“‘If another believer sins, rebuke that person’” (Luke 17:3b)

Did you pay careful attention to that? If another believer sins…so first all, it’s not an unbeliever we are talking about—it’s a believer, a brother or sister in Christ. If a believer sins, we are to rebuke that person. To rebuke means to express a sharp disapproval or criticism. So often in men’s groups or accountability sessions when a sin is confessed, it’s met with understanding and passivity. No one likes to be criticized, but we are dealing with sin that separates us from God! If you know a fellow believer is sinning, Jesus instructs us to rebuke that person. Don’t be passive when another believer sins! They should know better! Rebuke that person as instructed by Jesus Christ.

“‘…then if there is repentance, forgive.’” (Luke 17:3c)

Repentance requires action. This is a phrase that is foundational here at The Constant Battle. It is much easier to take action when you have been rebuked rather than being coddled. When your brother or sister in the faith sees that sin is unacceptable, that you are not going to give them a free pass but instead you are going to hold them accountable, that can be a powerful motivator for repentance. As with any sin, if there is repentance, then you must forgive. If you are thinking, like Peter did, how many times you have to forgive them, Jesus addressed that too.

“‘Even if that person wrongs you seven times a day and each time turns again and asks forgiveness, you must forgive.’” (Luke 17:4)

At the beginning of this, Jesus said to pay careful attention. This must be important. If you see or are aware of another believer sinning, don’t react passively and shrug it off for fear of being critical or offensive. In your passive attempt to appease them you might offend Jesus! Rebuke that person for their sin and if there is repentance, forgive them. This will not necessarily be easy, especially if we empathize with them, but we have been commanded by Christ to do so. It is not loving to let sin slide; it is true love to hold that person accountable and to live in obedience to Christ. Pay careful attention because this is important.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
